Stranger from Venus official wallpaper
Stranger from Venus poster

Stranger from Venus

  • 5.4 /10

  • 20


Stranger from Venus (a.k.a. Immediate Disaster and The Venusian) is the story of a woman who meets a stranger with no pulse who has the power of life and death at his touch. He is here from Venus to warn Earth about the atom.


Patricia Neal as Susan North
Patricia Neal

as Susan North

Helmut Dantine as The Stranger
Helmut Dantine

as The Stranger

Derek Bond as Arthur Walker
Derek Bond

as Arthur Walker

Cyril Luckham as Dr. Meinard
Cyril Luckham

as Dr. Meinard

Willoughby Gray as Tom Harding
Willoughby Gray

as Tom Harding

Marigold Russell as Gretchen Harding
Marigold Russell

as Gretchen Harding

Arthur Young as Scientist
Arthur Young

as Scientist

Kenneth Edwards as Charles Dixon
Kenneth Edwards

as Charles Dixon

David Garth as First Police Officer
David Garth

as First Police Officer

Stanley Van Beers as General
Stanley Van Beers

as General

Movie Facts


  • N/A


  • Released

Release Date

  • August 23, 1954

Production Companies

  • Rich & Rich Ltd.

Production Countries

  • United Kingdom

  • United States of America

Spoken Language

  • English


  • $0.00


  • -


  • 1.25 hrs




This is all over the place. It seems derivative of Harry Bates' short story from 1940 "Farewell to the Master" as an alien - in this case from Venus - arrives to tell humanity to ditch nuclear weapons. Patricia Neal seems to pretty much reprise her role from "The Day The Earth Stood Still" (also based on the same short story) as she and Cyril Luckham try to engage with our alien visitor, played b…