Chantal Poullain (* 17 August 1956 Marseille) is a Czech-French theater and film actress. She studied theater at Geneva, then studied in England, starring in several French and Swiss television films. She was married to Bolek Polívka, with whom he has a son Vladimír Polívka. She lived in Brno in the Czech Republic and now lives in Prague. She is the founder and president of the Archa Chantal Foundation. From the eighties, along with Bolek Polívka, appeared on the stage of the Na Provázku Theater in the legendary production Šašek and Queen, …
Marseille, France
August 17, 1956
Invalid Date
Chantal Poullain-Polívková
Chantal Poullain-Polivka
Chantal Poullain Polívková
Chantal Poullain Polivka
Chantal Polívková
Chantal Polivka