Michal Dočolomanský (* March 25, 1942, Nedeca, Slovak state, today Poland - † August 26, 2008, Bratislava) was a Slovak actor, singer, moderator and imitator. His father Rudolf (1899 - 1954) worked as a teacher in Transylvania, Romania, among Slovaks there. There he married Florian (1915-1995), a Romanian woman who was sixteen years younger than him. They had a total of 10 children. In 1942, they moved to the village of Nedeca, which then belonged to the Slovak state, where the son Michal was born in the same year. At the end of the Second Wo…
Nedeca, Slovenský štát [teraz Poľsko]
March 25, 1942
August 26o 2008
Michal Docolomanský