15/Love was a Canadian-produced television series that revolves around the lives of aspiring young tennis players at the Cascadia Tennis Academy. The show was created by Karen Troubetzkoy and Derek Schreyer, and was filmed in the city of Montreal during the summer. 15/Love first aired on the television channel YTV on September 6, 2004.
Kyle Switzer
as Rick Geddes
Laurence Leboeuf
as Cody Meyers
Meaghan Rath
as Adena Stiles
Amanda Crew
as Tanis McTaggart
Max Walker
as Squib Furlong
Charles Edwin Powell
as President Harold Bates
Jaclyn Linetsky
as Megan O'Connor
Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse
as Sunny Capuduca
Tyler Hynes
as Nate Bates