90210 revolves around several students at the fictional West Beverly Hills High School, including new Beverly Hills residents Annie Wilson and Dixon Wilson. Their father, Harry Wilson, has returned from Kansas to his Beverly Hills childhood home with his family to care for his mother, former television and theater actress Tabitha Wilson, who has a drinking problem and clashes with his wife Debbie Wilson. Annie and Dixon struggle to adjust to their new lives while making friends and yet adhering to their parents' wishes.
as Annie Wilson
as Dixon Wilson
as Naomi Clark
as Erin Silver
as Navid Shirazi
as Adrianna Tate-Duncan
as Liam Court
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Season 5
2012|22 Episodes
The fifth and final season of 90210 finds the group struggling with the biggest issues of their lives. Having put their relatively carefree days at West Bev behind them and launched themselves into adulthood, they search for answers to the multiple cliffhangers of this year’s season finale with only their friendships to lean on. Life, death, love, loyalty, betrayal… and that’s just what to expect in the season premiere! There are some things money can’t buy, even in 90210.
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