The series tells the story of a criminal investigation into the murder of businessman Paulo Gomes de Aguiar at the beginning of August. In the midst of the Vargas government crisis, the murder case is taken by police commissioner Alberto Mattos, an honest and incorruptible man who is not well regarded by his co-workers, as the place is totally turned over to corruption.
José Mayer
as Comissário Alberto Mattos
Vera Fischer
as Alice
Letícia Sabatella
as Salete
Lúcia Veríssimo
as Luciana Gomes de Aguiar
Elias Gleizer
as Rosalvo
Hugo Carvana
as Luiz Magalhães
Rodolfo Bottino
as Clemente
Sérgio Mamberti
as Senador Victor Freitas
Marcos Winter
as Cláudio Aguiar
Tony Tornado
as Gregório Fortunato