All In is a 2003 South Korean television drama series that aired on SBS from January 15 to April 3, 2003 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 21:55 for 24 episodes. Inspired by the life of professional poker player Jimmy Cha, it starred Lee Byung-hun and Song Hye-kyo in a story about one's man's rise through the fiercely competitive world of casino gambling as he clashes with his rivals over money, success, and love. The drama was a ratings success in South Korea, with its final episode reaching a peak viewership rating of 47.7%, which is the 42nd highest-rated Korean drama episode of all time. It also won several awards, notably the Grand Prize for Lee Byung-hun at the 2003 SBS Drama Awards.
as Kim In-ha
as Min Su-yeon
as Choi Jung-won
as Seo Jin-hee
as Yoo Jong-koo
as Yoon Hye-sun
as Min Su-yeon (young)
as In-ha (young)
The drama had many great things going on for it until it went through an unfortunate interruption. It built a solid vibe for all the involved characters and gave each one a purpose to dynamically interact with one another. Kim In Ha jumping into sticky situations was always fun, you never knew when would he pull up his signature move, the sneaky high kick! Giving the male lead a solid side kick w…