The story centers around class 1-7 of Tennomifune Academy, where all the students with "bad karma" or misfortune seem to have been gathered. Hibari, a student in this class, meets the unlucky Hanako and the perennially unhealthy Botan on her first day of school, and together they try to find a way to turn their school life into a happy one.
Haruka Shiraishi
as Ruri "Hibari" Hibarigaoka
Hibiku Yamamura
as Hibiki Hagyuu
Kiyono Yasuno
as Botan Kumegawa
Mayu Yoshioka
as Ren "Len" Ekoda
Yumiri Hanamori
as Anne "Hanako" Hanakoizumi
Chitose Morinaga
as Timothy / Tsubaki Sayama
Yumi Hara
as Kodaira-sensei
Yuko Gibu
as Sakura Hanakoizumi / Hibiki's mother / Housekeeper
Ami Koshimizu
as Saginomiya-sensei
Satomi Arai
as Umebaba-san