A mystery psychological thriller drama that depicts characters with various desires and different psychology, and their tangled relationships against the backdrop of a society that conceals their dark sides and is maintained through someone's sacrifice.
as Yoon Jae-hee
as Jung Joon-hyeok
as Seo Han-sook
as Kim Yi-seol
as Han Dong-min
as Go Sun-mi
as Jung Joon-il
as Lee Joo-yeon
as Kwon Min-Seon
as Min Ji-Young
It's nothing but a dreadful watch, following this piece of artificial soulless junk made me wonder why some cast members, who are well off, accept such projects. I feel like somewhere not too long ago writers stopped trying when it came to these high-society themed dramas. A squeaky clean wardrobe, a massive mansion and a handful of dirty secrets won't cut it anymore. The shallowness and the lack…