In a war-torn world of elemental magic, a young boy reawakens to undertake a dangerous mystic quest to fulfill his destiny as the Avatar, and bring peace to the world.
as Aang (voice)
as Katara (voice)
as Sokka (voice)
as Zuko (voice)
as Toph Beifong (voice)
as Iroh (voice)
as Appa / Momo (voice)
as Azula (voice)
as Mai (voice)
as Ty Lee (voice)
Amazingly good and great and cool and....(ect)
Still holds up almost 20 years later. The animation is still so rich and impactful, and perfectly matched to the sound effects. Even the story and jokes hold up like a fine wine. It would make sense to reboot/remake this if it had aged poorly and needed a refresh, but why attempt to mimic perfection? The only acceptable remake I still hope for would be a 1:1 remake with even higher quality animat…
Just watched the new Netflix adaption and it's ok, but just made me want to rewatch this!
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Book Three: Fire
2007|21 Episodes
Aang wakes up from his battle with Azula to discover that Ba Sing Se has fallen and the world thinks he's dead. So he and his friends set off undercover across the Fire Nation to find Fire Lord Ozai before the Day of Black Sun. Prince Zuko returns home as the triumphant son, but soon finds the honor he so greatly craved from his father is worthless. New alliances are formed and Team Avatar forges a new plan to stop the Fire Lord. But will they find him in time?
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