The daily life of the extraordinary blob-shaped Barbapapa family, who can morph into other forms but retain their original colors. The Barbapapa family consists of parents Barbapapa and Barbamama and their seven children; the intellectual Barbalib, the coquette Barbabelle, the powerful Barbabravo, inventor Barbabright, animal lover Barbazoo, artist Barbabeau, and musician Barbalala, along with their pet dog, Lolita.
Bruno Magne
as Barbapapa
Nathalie Karsenti
as Barbamama
Fily Keita
as Barbidul
Bernard Alane
as Narrateur et Strict
Youna Noiret
as Barbidur
Lucille Boudonnat
as Barbotine
Kaycie Chase
as Barbidou
Marie Facundo
as Barbouille
Adeline Chetail
as Barbabelle
Emmylou Homs
as Barbalala