This series, produced to commemorate the 65th anniversary of TV Asahi, tells the story of Riku Kariyama, an architectural designer passionate about bridge construction. He faces an unexpected difficulty of being imprisoned, but he never gives up, continuously searching for a path of hope and rebirth. The intricate suspense and heart-pounding, stirring human stories intertwine, weaving a grand drama.
Takuya Kimura
as Kariyama Riku
Yûki Amami
as Kariyama Reiko
Ryoma Takeuchi
as Kuroki Masaoki
Takumi Saitoh
as Akizawa Yoshihito
Fumiyo Kohinata
as Isoda Noritaka
Maika Yamamoto
as Motomiya Erina
Hayate Ichinose
as Nagumo Daiki
Kinya Kitaoji
as Bando Goro
Takaya Kamikawa
as Hayashi Kazuo