The series is set in New Gotham City, several years after it has been apparently abandoned by Batman. In his absence, Huntress, Oracle and Dinah are now the protectors of New Gotham: the Birds of Prey, and had taken over his war on crime. They are joined by Alfred Pennyworth, who serves Helena as she is heir to the Wayne estate; and Detective Jesse Reese, a police officer confronted with crimes and abilities he cannot explain. A central feature of the series is the concept of metahumans: individuals born with powers that cannot be explained. No two metahumans have the same abilities (unless hereditary), and there exists a whole subculture of metahuman society that the outside world knows nothing about.
as Helena Kyle / Huntress
as Barbara Gordon / Batgirl / Oracle
as Dinah Lance / Black Canary
as Jesse Reese
as Alfred Pennyworth
as Harleen Quinzel / Harley Quinn
A lot of shows recycle, if anyone watches The Rookie, you see the same houses, the same sets in almost every episode. Unfortunately Birds of Prey recycled too, only they seemed to recycle plots. Like in cartoon, each episode was kind of a stand alone and didn't seem to lead anywhere, it didn't seem to move us to a more over-arching plot. Which is kind of a shame, given that Birds of Prey was a…
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Season 1
2002|13 Episodes
Huntress, Oracle, and Dinah are determined to carry on Batman's fight for justice against the ruthless criminals of New Gotham City.
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