The story revolves around a grand "impersonation" revenge plan carried out by the entire family against a businessperson who leaked a fabricated video of their second daughter engaging in "papa-katsu" (a form of compensated dating) with her male teacher, which led to public condemnation and her subsequent suicide.
Yuka Itaya
as Shindo Kazuha
Takashi Yamanaka
as Shindo Kosuke
Win Morisaki
as Igarashi Yuma
Risa Watanabe
as Shindo Sana
Yuna Hoshino
as Shindo Riria
Mariko Tsutsui
as Saotome Reimi
Akihisa Shiono
as Saotome Rintaro
Yusuke Hirayama
as Saotome Akio
Taki Nanami
as Saotome Aoi
Takehiko Ono
as Saotome Taizo