Boyband tells the story of a group of teenagers who aspire to become a world-class boy group. They have to go through high-intensity singing and dancing training and fierce competition before they can become artists under the banner of World Star, the company of Khun Serena, the queen of the entertainment industry who inspires fear. Her artists are forbidden to enter into romantic relationships with one another. However, Top and Juju's relationship evolves from rivals to friends and ultimately more. Between love and their dreams, what will they choose?
as Ryu
as Top
as Juju
as Phanu
as Ken
as Namkhing [Teacher]
as Sun
as Atom
as Jeff
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Season 1
2023|10 Episodes
Boyband tells the story of a group of teenagers who aspire to become a world-class boy group. They have to go through high-intensity singing and dancing training and fierce competition before they can become artists under the banner of World Star, the company of Khun Serena, the queen of the entertainment industry who inspires fear. Her artists are forbidden to enter into romantic relationships with one another. However, Top and Juju's relationship evolves from rivals to friends and ultimately more. Between love and their dreams, what will they choose?
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