Conspiracy in the Court, is a 2007 Korean historical drama broadcast on KBS2. The mystery thriller revolves around a murder case set in Hansung, the capital of Korea during the latter years of the Joseon dynasty when the nation was experiencing a rapid influx of western influences. Featuring a band of newcomers in the leading roles, Conspiracy in the Court entails a story of four young visionary idealists and King Jeongjo, Joseon's popular 22nd monarch who fought for commoners' rights and bureaucratic reformation. Despite low ratings averaging 6.00%, it was lauded for its high standard of content and art direction.
as Park Sang-kyu
as Lee Na-young
as Yang Man-oh
as King Jeongjo
as Queen Mother
as Park In-bin
as Seo Joo-pil
as Lee Jae-han
as Wolhyang
as Do-Sool