Da Möb is a Swedish animated series, created by Magnus Carlsson, about three youngsters who form a rap band called Da Möb. They try to get a record deal. It aired in the United States from 2001–2002 and in Sweden from 2002-2003. The name Da Möb comes from The Mob with a joke heavy metal umlaut.
Gustave Lund
as Rooster (voice)
Magnus Uggla
as Bob (voice)
Jonas Leksell
as KG (voice)
Björn Granath
as Maurice (voice)
Gabriella Wegdell
as Sara (voice)
Jonas Bergström
as Herr Byron (voice)
Irene Lindh
as Fru Byron (voice)
Claire Wikholm
as Bodil (voice)
Chauser Pascal
as Tupac (voice)