A creature action thriller series about the desperate survival of the survivors among the mutant humans who drank a mysterious black smoke from the sinkhole and soon turned into monsters and quickly became a pandemonium.
as Lee Hwa Sun
as Yoo Tae Han
as Woo Sang
as Choi Seung Tae
as Lee Young Tae
as Yoon Saet Byeol
as Choi Gyeong-su
as Han Dong Rim
as Song Sang Eun Kim Seon Nyeo / "Sunnyeo" / "Madame Kim"
as Jung Do Yoon
It had a promising start but ended up being another incoherent and illogical mess just like its predecessors from the same genre. It would have been somewhat fine if they didn't go the sci-fi route and kept it pure mystery/horror with a strong emphasis on escaping the horrors instead of trying to explain it. Even with 12 episodes only it felt long because they didn't do a good job handling the my…