The story revolves around the 38-year-old Shijimi Usa (Watanabe), who is a high school classical literature teacher. Her students are mean to her, but they do not realize that she has another identity. Outside of school, she lies about her age to be active as the super popular 17-year-old Idol Singer Mayu Watanabe, whom the students adore. The show aired on TV Tokyo on Fridays starting from January 13, 2012 to April 7, 2012 with 12 episodes.
Mayu Watanabe
as Usa Shijimi
Hitomi Takahashi
as Nogi Tamako
Tamae Ando
as Usa Asari
Tadashi Sakata
as Okawara Takuzo
Keisuke Kaminaga
as Utamaro
Ryuya Wakaba
as Nashimoto Yuji
Mika Komori
as Komorin
Misaki Iwasa
as Iwasarin
Natsumi Hirajima
as Natsumin