After the murder of her younger brother, Alex, and the kidnapping of her father, Tomi, by a criminal syndicate known as District 8, Renata seeks answers and retribution. James, the owner of an MMA business on the 3rd floor of the District 8 building, advises Renata that to meet the main leader of District 8, she must become a prominent and useful figure to them. Renata then trains hard in martial arts with Ferri, who guides her until she becomes a police officer 10 years later. In one of the undercover operations led by Renata, she finds Tomi, her father, murdered in one of District 8's gambling dens. Ten years ago, Tomi was kidnapped by Sandra, one of the leaders in District 8 who controlled the prostitution business.
as Renata Aubert
as Tomi Aubert
as Igoy Belial
as James Matteo
as Ayuma Morgan
as Frank Matteo
as Kapten Harris Diaz
as Billy Matteo