Diva is a Philippine musical comedy-drama television series, developed by Don Michael Perez and directed by Dominic Zapata. The series premiered on March 1, 2010 on GMA Network, starring Regine Velasquez, Rufa Mae Quinto, Mark Anthony Fernandez, TJ Trinidad and Glaiza de Castro. It has several cameos from Ogie Alcasid, Dingdong Dantes and Marian Rivera. It is aired internationally, with a two-day delay on GMA Pinoy TV in which the show premiered on March 3, 2010.
as Sampaguita "Sam" Fernandez / Melody
as Lady Garcia Mendoza
as Gary / Ate Kuh
as Martin Valencia
as Tiffany Mendoza
as oey Pepe Smith Fernandez
as Barang / Barbra
as George del Rosario
as Vanessa
as Elvis Fernandez