The adventures of The Doctor, a time-traveling humanoid alien known as a Time Lord. He explores the universe in his TARDIS, a sentient time-traveling spaceship. Its exterior appears as a blue British police box, which was a common sight in Britain in 1963 when the series first aired. Along with a succession of companions, The Doctor faces a variety of foes while working to save civilizations, help ordinary people, and right many wrongs.
How do you review a show like Doctor Who that has been running for so long, enjoying dizzying highs and terrible lows (I'm looking at you The Twin Dilemma). The concept is the most open there can be. With the TARDIS the show can go anywhere and any when. This lead to a huge range in the stories, from historical with no alien involvement like The Aztecs (1964), to full on sci-fi like The Daleks…
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Season 26
1989|14 Episodes
It was the final season of the "classic" series. Unusually for a Doctor Who season, aside from some scenes in Survival, all the stories took place on Earth. Apart from Battlefield, the stories followed a loose character arc, as Ace came to terms with her past. As for the Doctor, he had become darker in personality, treating others as pawns in the battle between good and evil while dressing in dark clothes to match his personality change. This was the first and so far only season to be produced entirely out of broadcast order.
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