Season 2
Season 2 follows “Miracle Man” Paolo Macchiarini, a charming surgeon renowned for his innovative operations. When investigative journalist Benita Alexander approaches him for a story, the line between personal and professional begins to blur, changing her life forever. As she learns how far Paolo will go to protect his secrets, a group of doctors halfway across the world make shocking discoveries of their own that call everything about Paolo into question.
as Dr. Paolo Macchiarini
as Benita Alexander
as Dr. Ana Lasbrey
as Dr. Svensson
as Dr. Nathan Gamelli
Like Magic 7.8
December 21, 2023
In 2012, Dr. Macchiarini performs a breakthrough thoracic surgery, but some colleagues in Sweden question his science. …
Worth the Risk 7.5
December 21, 2023
In 2012, Macchiarini’s research gets published after his patient in Sweden is asymptomatic two months post-surgery. In …
The Horizon 7.5
December 21, 2023
In 2012 Stockholm, another Dr. Macchiarini surgery ends tragically. In the present, Benita meets Paolo’s parents and de…
Tarantela Telaraña 7.3
December 21, 2023
In the past, doctors in Sweden and Belgium suspect that Dr. Macchiarini is not running animal trials and is instead exp…
191 8.7
December 21, 2023
Yesim, a young Turkish woman, travels to Sweden for a consultation and ends up on Dr. Macchiarini’s operating table. Dr…
The Fog 7.5
December 21, 2023
In Russia, Macchiarini is set to perform elective surgery on the wife of an oligarch, but Dr. Lasbrey convinces her to …
Compassionate Uses 8.0
December 21, 2023
Doctors Gamelli, Svensson and Lasbrey blow the whistle on Macchiarini but face the consequences. In Russia, Paolo convi…
Surgeons, Bachelors and Butchers 7.0
December 21, 2023
The doctors in Sweden defend their findings to the Karolinska board, and their report leaks to the press. Benita’s coll…