Dwaalster is a South African, Afrikaans-language television drama series created by Nicola Hanekom and set in the fictional Karoo town of Maanhaarsdrif, which is populated by interesting and mysterious residents. In Maanhaarsdrif there is also a fixation with stars and stargazing, while some inhabitants are even moonstruck (proverbially speaking).
Tinarie Van Wyk-Loots
as Annabel
Jacques Bessenger
as Stian
Albert Maritz
as Frans
Tarryn Wyngaard
as Gina
Jarrid Geduld
as Randall
Joanie Combrink
as Lettie
Andre Odendaal
as Lukas
Erica Wessels
as Ragel-Lee
Terence Bridgett
as Ruan
Neels Van Jaarsveld
as Luan