This show-within-a-show was a slyly comedic "What's Up, Tiger Lily"-style re-edit and overdubbing of six episodes of the 7th season of the Japanese TV series Super Sentai, Kagaku Sentai Dynaman. In each episode, the brilliant (but cheap) Dr. Ho sends the Dynakids (five good looking Japanese friends!) to save the world from the evil machinations of his former partners Bernie Tanaka and Mel Fujitzu and the giant monsters they create.
Peter Alves
as Dr. Ho / Nigel Cochrane / Dyna Red (voices)
Alan Gordon
as Mel Fujitzu (voice)
Jack Newman
as Bernie Tanaka (voice)
Bruce Pirrie
as Dyna Yellow (voice)
Mark McKinney
as Dyna Blue (voice)
Kathleen Laskey
as Dyna Pink (voice)
Bill Johnston
as Dyna Black (voice)