Season 1 poster

Season 1



Su hija está desaparecida poster

Su hija está desaparecida 10.0

February 19, 2024

To get out of debt with the lenders, Fermín sells his newborn daughter to Mauro. Paz, wanting to meet her baby, receive…

Algún día tú y yo vamos a sanar poster

Algún día tú y yo vamos a sanar 10.0

February 20, 2024

With the help of artificial intelligence, Ginebra records a video posing as Berenice to kill Esteban. Esteban is about …

Conocí a una mujer muy interesante poster

Conocí a una mujer muy interesante 10.0

February 21, 2024

Esteban confesses to Kenzo that he was impressed when he met Paz since she has something special and reveals that he wa…

A partir de ahora ya no soy la esclava de Elias poster

A partir de ahora ya no soy la esclava de Elias 8.0

February 22, 2024

Fermín returns to Paz's life ready to win her back, he steals a kiss from her, but she slaps him. Samara is taken to a …

Me identifico con usted porque estoy pasando por el mismo dolor poster

Me identifico con usted porque estoy pasando por el mismo dolor 10.0

February 23, 2024

'Gorila' forces Samara to steal so that she can enjoy food now that she lives on the street. Geneva reveals to Mauro th…

¿Qué su alma no estaba rota desde antes? poster

¿Qué su alma no estaba rota desde antes? 10.0

February 26, 2024

Elvira shows Gala the video that Berenice left before she died where she recognizes that Esteban deceived her, since he…

Berenice, ahora voy por tu marido poster

Berenice, ahora voy por tu marido 8.0

February 27, 2024

Esteban receives the news that he has regained his freedom, Paz congratulates him and he does not hesitate to hug her. …

¿Paz Roble es la mamá de tu hija? poster

¿Paz Roble es la mamá de tu hija? 9.0

February 28, 2024

Elvira bursts into tears when she reveals that before Berenice, she had a daughter about whom she knows nothing; Geneva…

Tú podrías ser mi hija, poster

Tú podrías ser mi hija, 9.0

February 29, 2024

Paz makes it clear to Elvira that because she is an employee, she is not going to allow her disrespect. In revenge, she…

¿Has pensado en volver a casarte? poster

¿Has pensado en volver a casarte? 8.0

March 1, 2024

Elvira thanks Geneva for all her attention and shares that it hurts her to no longer have a daughter. Elvira makes Este…

Estoy dispuesta a amarla como a mi hija poster

Estoy dispuesta a amarla como a mi hija 8.0

March 4, 2024

Fermín contacts Paz to give her the address of where Sam is and asks her to be very careful. Monito saves Luna and asks…

Paz necesita un abrazo poster

Paz necesita un abrazo 10.0

March 5, 2024

Pedro Pablo reveals to Esteban that Bosco tried to harm him the day they organized the party at his house, he assures t…

¿Quieres que lo enamore? poster

¿Quieres que lo enamore? 7.0

March 6, 2024

Paz accepts the money that Fermín offers him and confesses that he rescued little Luna, he asks to meet her. Luna dream…

Acepto tu propuesta de trabajo poster

Acepto tu propuesta de trabajo 9.0

March 7, 2024

Elvira warns Esteban that she will not accept that a servant becomes the stepmother of her grandchildren; he assures he…

Ginebra, aquí nadie te hará daño poster

Ginebra, aquí nadie te hará daño 7.0

March 8, 2024

Fermín surprises Luna with some gifts and assures Lupita that the little girl Paz rescued could be her daughter. Esteba…

Yo soy una mujer trans poster

Yo soy una mujer trans 8.0

March 11, 2024

Paz does not allow any more humiliation from Bosco and confronts him, he reveals to his brothers that Paz almost kissed…

Yo también quiero volver a vivir, Paz poster

Yo también quiero volver a vivir, Paz 7.0

March 12, 2024

Paz gets nervous when Esteban takes her hands and confesses that he wants to live again, he agrees with her feelings. E…

Luna, es mi hija poster

Luna, es mi hija 8.0

March 13, 2024

Esteban confesses to his friend Kenzo that what he feels for Paz is not a physical attraction, it is actually something…

Estoy dispuesto a sacrificar todo por ti, Luna poster

Estoy dispuesto a sacrificar todo por ti, Luna 8.0

March 14, 2024

Ginebra, knowing that Esteban will not rest until he returns Rubio to prison, advises him to forget about the case sinc…

Desde que mi hija no está, mis días son eternos poster

Desde que mi hija no está, mis días son eternos 0.0

March 15, 2024

Fermín manages to get Luna out of the hospital without the authorities discovering him, Paz is already waiting for him …

¿Puedo besarla? poster

¿Puedo besarla? 0.0

March 18, 2024

Lupita gets upset with Paz when she finds out how Luna was taken from the hospital; she assures her that she will blame…

Tan solo de escucharte me siento tranquila poster

Tan solo de escucharte me siento tranquila 0.0

March 19, 2024

Paz is determined to face any obstacle that may arise now that she has agreed to be Esteban's partner. Gala reveals to …

Humberto me robó el cariño de mi padre poster

Humberto me robó el cariño de mi padre 0.0

March 20, 2024

Lupita complains to Mireya for having gone to a hotel with Mauro, she reveals that she is willing to help her sister Pa…

¿Qué haces aquí Mireya? poster

¿Qué haces aquí Mireya? 0.0

March 21, 2024

Ginebra arrives at Esteban's house to give Gala, Bosco and Eder some gifts, they are impressed with the details. Gala g…

No voy a fastidiar a Paz, la voy a eliminar poster

No voy a fastidiar a Paz, la voy a eliminar 0.0

March 22, 2024

Ginebra listens to Paz's conversation and questions her if the girl they found is her daughter. Gema thanks her aunt fo…

¡Te quiero Paz! poster

¡Te quiero Paz! 0.0

March 25, 2024

Ginebra confesses to Mauro that she has no mercy to get Paz out of her way, since she had no remorse when it came to he…

¿Samara está viva? poster

¿Samara está viva? 0.0

March 26, 2024

Paz warns Esteban that he has seen strange attitudes in Gala that could indicate that she suffers from an eating disord…

Si quieres puedo ser tu hija María poster

Si quieres puedo ser tu hija María 0.0

March 27, 2024

Ginebra remembers when she saved Mauro's life as a girl, he is grateful, but she warns him not to dare betray her. Paz …

Luna va a seguir con nosotros poster

Luna va a seguir con nosotros 0.0

March 28, 2024

When Bosco finds out about the relationship his father has with Paz, he calls him a “hypocrite” for hiding their romanc…

A Ginebra le soy leal poster

A Ginebra le soy leal 0.0

March 29, 2024

Upon hearing her real name, Luna remembers the hard times she lived with Ginebra and reveals to Paz the achievements of…

Paz y su familia van a vivir con nosotros poster

Paz y su familia van a vivir con nosotros 0.0

April 1, 2024

Suspicioning that Paz may have Samara, Ginebra threatens Fermín with harming him so that he reveals the truth; He manag…

Tu presencia me está ayudando poster

Tu presencia me está ayudando 0.0

April 2, 2024

Ginebra dreams that she is experiencing a romantic moment with Esteban, but it is clear that he only loves Paz. Ginebra…

Huyamos juntos con nuestra hija poster

Huyamos juntos con nuestra hija 0.0

April 3, 2024

Confirming that Paz and Sam are in danger, Fermín proposes that they flee with their daughter and thus form the family …

Tu vida me pertenece poster

Tu vida me pertenece 0.0

April 4, 2024

Fermín meets Ginebra again and she confesses her intention to take 'Monito'; he refuses because he is his daughter's be…

Paz, ¿quieres ser mi novia? poster

Paz, ¿quieres ser mi novia? 0.0

April 5, 2024

Given Gema's warnings, Salo keeps his word and ends his fake romance with Gala. Questioning him about her decision, he …

Ahora eres mía y tú mío poster

Ahora eres mía y tú mío 0.0

April 8, 2024

Esteban surprises Paz with a dinner, he is romantic by giving her the recipe for love and they both let themselves be c…

Te extraño mucho Paz poster

Te extraño mucho Paz 0.0

April 9, 2024

Esteban asks Paz that there are no secrets between them and questions her about her sudden change of phone number and b…

Esteban me enamoré de ti poster

Esteban me enamoré de ti 0.0

April 10, 2024

Lupita confesses to Paz that Rubio was the one who attacked her on Fermín's orders, she confronts him, but he denies ev…

¿Cómo pudiste traicionarme? poster

¿Cómo pudiste traicionarme? 0.0

April 11, 2024

Paz and her family are detained, she reveals to Esteban that she had Ginebra's daughter under her protection, but every…

Aquí la única mala eres tú poster

Aquí la única mala eres tú 0.0

April 12, 2024

Esteban confronts Mauro when he learns of the plans he had against Sam. Ginebra makes it clear to Esteban that Paz and …

Ginebra es la que debería de estar en la cárcel poster

Ginebra es la que debería de estar en la cárcel 0.0

April 15, 2024

Mauro assures Sam that he loves her and is incapable of harming her. She makes it clear that she only trusts Paz's fami…

Necesito que Paz se declare culpable poster

Necesito que Paz se declare culpable 0.0

April 16, 2024

Humberto offers Esteban his help as a lawyer to get Paz and her family out of jail. He gives him documents to prove his…

Háblame de tu pasado poster

Háblame de tu pasado 0.0

April 17, 2024

Gala reproaches her grandmother for being a closed-minded woman since she has no doubt that she also made mistakes in h…

¡Eres mi hija! poster

¡Eres mi hija! 0.0

April 18, 2024

Elvira can no longer hide her secret and reveals to Ginebra that she is the daughter she lost years ago and for that re…

Prefiero estar muerto poster

Prefiero estar muerto 0.0

April 19, 2024

Ginebra victimizes Elvira and assures her that she always needed her as a mother since she grew up alone and was always…

Paz tenemos que terminar poster

Paz tenemos que terminar 0.0

April 22, 2024

Esteban and his family are victims of an attack after trying to flee the evil of Ginebra. Esteban complains to Ginebra …

Ya logramos separarlos poster

Ya logramos separarlos 0.0

April 23, 2024

Esteban reveals to Paz that he only saw her as a game and got carried away by the moment; Paz, feeling humiliated, slap…

Mataste a mi esposa poster

Mataste a mi esposa 0.0

April 24, 2024

Paz tells Humberto that she has already been betrayed by two men who swore their love for her, so she is not willing to…

Todo sea por ti mi amor poster

Todo sea por ti mi amor 0.0

April 25, 2024

Esteban confronts Humberto about the kindness he has towards Paz, his cousin confesses that he feels attracted to whoev…

Usted será mi jefe y yo su empleada poster

Usted será mi jefe y yo su empleada 0.0

April 26, 2024

Elvira is upset to see that Paz is free and does not hesitate to insult her. Esteban comes to her defense and prevents …

Te quiero en mi cama todas las noches poster

Te quiero en mi cama todas las noches 0.0

April 29, 2024

Paz warns Esteban that she is determined to forget him, he begs her not to, but Ginebra calls him to threaten him. Fobo…

No debiste salir de la cárcel poster

No debiste salir de la cárcel 0.0

April 30, 2024

Paz is worried about talking to Sam and communicates with her, Mauro listens to them. Esteban shows Gala a scale with w…

Vamos anunciar nuestro compromiso poster

Vamos anunciar nuestro compromiso 0.0

May 1, 2024

Upon witnessing Gala's suffering, Paz assures her that she wants to become her second mother to always take care of her…

Ginebra confiesa sus crímenes poster

Ginebra confiesa sus crímenes 0.0

May 2, 2024

Ginebra shows Esteban photographs of the men she has killed them to keep their fortune. Esteban confronts Humberto upon…

Ginebra y yo decidimos tener una relación poster

Ginebra y yo decidimos tener una relación 0.0

May 3, 2024

After mocking Esteban's attempts at justice, Ginebra told Elvira that she has financial problems. The millionaire offer…

¿Vendiste a nuestra hija? poster

¿Vendiste a nuestra hija? 0.0

May 6, 2024

Ginebra confesses to Elvira that she has an interest in Esteban; she cannot believe that the man she detests so much ha…

En esta casa no eres más que la cocinera poster

En esta casa no eres más que la cocinera 0.0

May 7, 2024

Esteban extends his support to Elvira after learning her secret, she implores him to reciprocate the love of his daught…

Conseguiste romperle el corazón a Paz poster

Conseguiste romperle el corazón a Paz 0.0

May 8, 2024

Ginebra threatens Paz to make her life hell, she assures him that she is not afraid and mocks him by telling him that s…

¡Eres una psicópata! poster

¡Eres una psicópata! 0.0

May 9, 2024

Esteban, feeling harassed by Ginebra, goes crazy and assures Kenzo that everyone is in danger. He tries to find out wha…

Estoy muy feliz de conocerte poster

Estoy muy feliz de conocerte 0.0

May 10, 2024

Esteban manages to communicate with Paz to inform her that he found his daughter María and it will be at his wedding wi…

Yo no quiero que seas mi mamá poster

Yo no quiero que seas mi mamá 0.0

May 13, 2024

Paz complains to Max's supposed parents for having stolen their daughter and assures them that they had no right to des…

¡Yo te quiero Paz! poster

¡Yo te quiero Paz! 0.0

May 14, 2024

Humberto gives Paz the results of the DNA test and confirms that Max is his daughter. Gio accuses Bosco of touching her…

¡Soy tu mamá! poster

¡Soy tu mamá! 0.0

May 15, 2024

Ginebra discovers Gio's obsession with Bosco and assures him that she is willing to see his reach so that his fall hurt…

Tengo dudas de que Max sea mi hija poster

Tengo dudas de que Max sea mi hija 0.0

May 16, 2024

Bosco is beaten by Jero's orders, but Pepa comes to his defense, he thanks her for taking the risk to save him. Paz int…

Ginebra es una asesina poster

Ginebra es una asesina 0.0

May 17, 2024

Lupita complains to Elvira for insulting her family and assures her that she learned from her daughter Ginebra because …

Hay que renunciar al amor para seguir viviendo poster

Hay que renunciar al amor para seguir viviendo 0.0

May 20, 2024

Gema assures Gala that when her baby is born, Salo will forget about her love, she stays on the sidelines, but she is w…

En verdad pensamos que era tu hija poster

En verdad pensamos que era tu hija 0.0

May 21, 2024

Paz receives the results of the DNA test she did on Max and confirms that the minor is not her daughter, Fermín assures…

Eder los necesita unidos y fuertes poster

Eder los necesita unidos y fuertes 0.0

May 22, 2024

Now that she has been included in Elvira's will, Ginebra is determined to reveal to her mother that she had her sister …

Te doy mi vida a cambio poster

Te doy mi vida a cambio 0.0

May 23, 2024

Ginebra confirms to Esteban that it was she who hurt Eder, he swears that he will pay dearly for hurting his son. Esteb…

Quiero un hijo tuyo poster

Quiero un hijo tuyo 0.0

May 24, 2024

Mauro asks Fermín to be his ally, since he is his only option to get rid of Ginebra and Rubio. Ginebra questions Mauro …

Tenemos que salvar a Eder poster

Tenemos que salvar a Eder 0.0

May 27, 2024

Gema gets upset when she sees Gala with Salo and threatens to harm her baby, he asks her not to mess with her son. Elvi…

Lo mejor es que nos vayamos de aquí poster

Lo mejor es que nos vayamos de aquí 0.0

May 28, 2024

Elvira visits Paz to ask her not to become a temptation for Esteban since it would be very humiliating to settle for th…

Soy la dueña de tu alma poster

Soy la dueña de tu alma 0.0

May 29, 2024

Ginebra confesses to Mauro that she should have buried her feelings and not fallen in love with Esteban. Humberto remem…

Nos vamos al infierno poster

Nos vamos al infierno 0.0

May 30, 2024

Elvira informs Esteban that Ginebra will not make it home since she went on a last-minute business trip; he makes a com…

Tu hija es Sam poster

Tu hija es Sam 0.0

May 31, 2024

Fermín confronts Paz and reveals that he was the one who gave María to another family, she confronts him and finally re…

Te perdono Fermín poster

Te perdono Fermín 0.0

June 3, 2024

Jero confesses to Kenzo that Sandro is not Filipa's son either since Ginebra sold him to him. Mireya questions Mauro if…

Sé que Samara es mi hija María poster

Sé que Samara es mi hija María 0.0

June 4, 2024

Esteban says goodbye to Paz with a romantic kiss, Ginebra surprises them and threatens to kill every member of his fami…

Yo maté a Berenice poster

Yo maté a Berenice 0.0

June 5, 2024

Mireya agrees, out of the love she has for her family, to convince Mauro to betray Ginebra, but he suspects her plans. …

Ojalá te hubieras muerto en mi vientre poster

Ojalá te hubieras muerto en mi vientre 0.0

June 6, 2024

Elvira is filled with hatred upon hearing Ginebra's confession and assures her that she would have liked him to die ins…

¿Quieres casarte conmigo? poster

¿Quieres casarte conmigo? 0.0

June 7, 2024

Ginebra is taken to a cell, where she begins to pay for all her evils; Gala and Bosco find out that Sam is actually Paz…

Ginebra es lo más importante que tengo en la vida poster

Ginebra es lo más importante que tengo en la vida 0.0

June 10, 2024

Mauro cannot get over the fact that Mireya has broken his heart, so he is determined to take revenge, and Pedro Pablo w…

Yo soy tu mamá poster

Yo soy tu mamá 0.0

June 11, 2024

Esteban gives his father a letter showing him that he had nothing to do with the final decision his mother made. Paz ga…

Episode 83 poster

Episode 83 0.0

June 12, 2024

Ginebra no nos va a dejar en paz poster

Ginebra no nos va a dejar en paz 0.0

June 13, 2024

Elvira confesses to Fobo that she fell in love with him with the same strength that she has shown him her love, and pro…

Estoy libre y la justicia vendrá por todos ustedes poster

Estoy libre y la justicia vendrá por todos ustedes 0.0

June 14, 2024

Savón announces to Ginebra that he managed to bribe a couple of judges so that she could obtain her freedom, but first …

Mi venganza no es absurda poster

Mi venganza no es absurda 0.0

June 17, 2024

Mauro gives Mireya 24 hours to escape with him, otherwise Salo and Pepa will be in danger. Ginebra threatens to get her…

¡Que comiencen las lágrimas! poster

¡Que comiencen las lágrimas! 0.0

June 18, 2024

Jero seeks out Ginebra to ask for her help, and in exchange, he is willing to prove his loyalty by giving her the peopl…

Te conviertes en mi esclavo o mueres poster

Te conviertes en mi esclavo o mueres 0.0

June 19, 2024

Esteban thanks Humberto for returning to his side, but upon hearing the great love they have for him and being at peace…

Te necesito viva y alerta poster

Te necesito viva y alerta 0.0

June 20, 2024

Kenzo agrees to be Ginebra's slave in exchange for saving his life and that of his children, his first job is to dispos…

Es hora de llevarte con tu mamá poster

Es hora de llevarte con tu mamá 0.0

June 21, 2024

Mauro begs Ginebra to stop her revenge plans, since Rubio's attack was enough to traumatize Paz and Esteban's family, b…

¿Estás trabajando para Ginebra? poster

¿Estás trabajando para Ginebra? 0.0

June 24, 2024

After a check-up with the doctor, Paz confirms that she is pregnant, she does not hesitate to share with Esteban that t…

¿Esto es una despedida? poster

¿Esto es una despedida? 0.0

June 25, 2024

Paz and Esteban gather the whole family to announce the arrival of a new member, María, upon finding out that she will …

Tu vida me pertenece poster

Tu vida me pertenece 0.0

June 26, 2024

Ginebra asks Kenzo to be in charge of burying her friend, she communicates with Paz and assures her that Esteban's puni…

Ginebra está a punto de caer poster

Ginebra está a punto de caer 0.0

June 27, 2024

Ginebra proposes to Ramsés that they be partners, since they both run the same business; He gives her some time to conv…

Capítulo Final: Te amo Esteban, mi cómplice de vida poster

Capítulo Final: Te amo Esteban, mi cómplice de vida 0.0

June 28, 2024

Ginebra is sure that Ramsés will not be the end of her; However, he challenges them to duel and whoever manages to kill…