Eternal Filena or Eien no Filena, is based on the fantasy light novel series by Shudou Takeshi, serialised in Japan in Animage and illustrated by Takada Akemi. Eternal Filena follows the adventures of Filena, a female slave and gladiator brought up as a boy in the ocean kingdom of Filosena, which is in the middle of a revival. Note: The series has been collected into nine volumes published by Tokuma Shoten. The novel series was also adapted into an RPG released by Tokuma Shoten for the Super Famicom in 1995. It was only released commercially in Japan.
Arisa Andô
as フィレーナ
Yuko Mizutani
as リラ
Yusaku Yara
as ゼナ
Kenyu Horiuchi
as ネスト
Hideyuki Hori
as バラバ
Ai Orikasa
as サラ
Junko Asami
as ミリカ
Nobuo Tobita
as フィコス
Hirohiko Kakegawa
as ナレーション