The story revolves around a Kuwaiti man in his late fifties who fears that his fortune will be lost overnight due to an economic blow that will destroy him. He finds no escape except through his half-brother, who holds Saudi citizenship and lives in Dubai and works as a failed and unlucky veterinarian. Events begin to accelerate after they meet together in the midst of many funny paradoxes and amusing situations.
AbdulHusain AbdulRedha
as صقر أبو منقار
Nasser Al Qasabi
as وضاح النباط
Hasan Al-Ballam
as بليم
Mys Kemer
as سمر
Ahmed Al-Aounan
as علي
Rimas Mansour
as شيخة
Ali Al-Tamimi
as بن شوصان
Amal Al-Awadhi
as غادة
Shujoun Al Hajri
as مشاعل
Ahmad Al-Salman
as (ضيف شرف)