Forever Knight is a Canadian television series about Nick Knight, an 800-year-old vampire working as a police detective in modern day Toronto. Wracked with guilt for centuries of killing others, he seeks redemption by working as a homicide detective on the night shift while struggling to find a way to become human again. The series premiered on May 5, 1992 and concluded with the third season finale on May 17, 1996.
Geraint Wyn Davies
as Nick Knight
Nigel Bennett
as Lucien LaCroix
Catherine Disher
as Dr. Natalie Lambert
Ben Bass
as Javier Vachon
John Kapelos
as Det. Don Schanke
Blu Mankuma
as Capt. Joe Reese
Gary Farmer
as Capt. Joe Stonetree
Natsuko Ohama
as Capt. Amanda Cohen
Lisa Ryder
as Det. Tracy Vetter