Drama series about Kristín, an emergency doctor who moves with her teenage daughter back to her parents' home in a small fishing village, following her own husband's affair. Kristín, who is grounded and rational, quickly realises she is out of her comfort zone communicating with her mother, a medium, and finds herself forced to look the ghosts of her past directly in the eye.
Kolbrún Anna Björnsdóttir
as Hanna
Sara Dögg Ásgeirsdóttir
as Kristín
Baldur Einarsson
as Matti
Joi Johannsson
as Ragnar
Katla Njálsdóttir
as Lilja
Sveinn Ólafur Gunnarsson
as Siggi
Edda Björgvinsdóttir
as Lísbet
Steinunn Ólína Þorsteinsdóttir
as Inga