Futbolilits is a Philippine sports drama series produced by GMA Network featuring an ensemble cast. The series premiered on July 4, 2011 in the Philippines, replacing Magic Palayok's time slot and on July 6, 2011 on GMA Pinoy TV, two-days after its original premiere. The show was led by Raymart Santiago, Jennylyn Mercado, Paolo Contis and Angelika dela Cruz featuring Renz Valerio, Yogo Singh, Isabel "Lenlen" Frial and Julian Trono.
as Hero Melendez / Salvador / Francis Ocampo
as Kikoy Estrella
as Sherwin Portero
as Frankie Ocampo
as Lani Melendez
as Belinda Almodovar
as Enrico Almodovar
as Tetang Cortes
as Lola Ester Cortes
as Harrison Fortunato