The story revolves around the love that begins with hatred between Gülcemal (Murat Ünalmış), whom his mother abandoned and turned into a dark monster when he was young, and the beautiful Deva (Melis Sezen), who becomes engulfed in a whirlwind of fire, passion, and storm. In Gülcemal's battle with his mother, will an unexpected love or the years of hatred he has harbored prevail? Will Gülcemal, on this road full of sacrifices, turn from being a cruel hunter to prey out in the open? And what about Deva? When she finally surrenders, will she realize that this love is impossible?
as Gülcemal Şahin
as Deva Nakkaşoğlu
as Zafer Pehlivan
as Mert Çakır
as Gülendam Şahin
as Vefa (Ali Türkoğlu)
as Armağan Pehlivan
as İpek Nakkaşoğlu
as Gara Ana (Firuze)