Gravion is an anime television series produced by Gonzo. It aired in Japan from October 7, 2002 to December 16, 2002 and ran for 13 episodes. In 2004, Gravion Zwei was released and aired from January 8 to March 25 in Japan, running for twelve additional episodes, answering the questions generated from the first series. Both Gravion and Gravion Zwei are created and directed by Masami Ōbari with mecha designs from Kunio Okawara. Both series were released in the United States by ADV Films.
as Eiji Shigure
as Raven
as Luna Gusuku
as Leele
as Klein Sandman
as Touga Tenkuuji
as Eina
as Faye Xin Lu
as Tesera
as Cecile
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Season 2
2004|12 Episodes
After Gravion was able to use its ultimate attack, the Zeravire threat seemed to have temporary stopped. However when it rises back up all of a sudden, the Earth Gult and its trump card, the super robot Gravion, is needed to defend this world again. All this while, the EFA is planning to create their own weapons to counter the Zeravire, the Grand Trooper. Now as they attempt to fend off the Zeravire, the people of the Earth Gult and EFA must protect their future as well as confront their pasts, and unveil the mysteries of the Zeravire.
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