Hello! Sandybell is an anime series made by Toei Animation in 1981. It was aired in Japan by TV Asahi. In the original title when it is made in Japan, her name is the spelling to which "E" is attached to an end by "Sandybelle". Similarly to Silver Fang, the show is relatively unknown in the U.S. but was quite popular in Asia, Latin America, Arab countries and Europe, particularly Scandinavia.
Yuriko Yamamoto
as Sandybell
Ai Sakuma
as Wellington's wife
Ichirô Murakoshi
as Kankan
Kaku Suganuma
as Thomas
Kaneto Shiozawa
as Mark Brunch Wellington
Katsuji Mori
as Alec Peterson
Mami Koyama
as Kitty Shiara
Masaharu Satô
as Scott
Minori Matsushima
as Ricky Kentle