The events of the series revolve around a true story, about Shaima. She is a girl who comes from a simple family obsessed with the Tik Tok website, where many interesting things happen to her, and events continue.
Salma Abu Deif
as شيماء فتحي
Layla Ahmed Zaher
as نسمة فتحي
as حمدية
Mohamed Mahmoud
as فتحي محمود البنهاوي
Farah Youssef
as آمال فتحي
Islam Ibrahim
as علي
Inam Salusah
as ام فتحي
Shaima El-Sherif
as سامية
Hind Abdulhaleem
as كاميليا
Elham Safieddine
as هبة تاتو