The story takes place in an age where "Ajin" (demi-human), more casually known as "Demi," have slowly started to become accepted into human society. Tetsuo Takahashi is a biology teacher who ends up teaching three such Demi, hoping to understand more about them while also managing to catch their attention.
as Kyouko Machi
as Hikari Takanashi
as Sakie Satou
as Tetsuo Takahashi
as Kusakabe Yuki
as Takanashi Himari
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Season 1
2017|12 Episodes
The story takes place in an age where "Ajin" (demi-human), more casually known as "Demi," have slowly started to become accepted into human society. Tetsuo Takahashi is a biology teacher who ends up teaching three such Demi, hoping to understand more about them while also managing to catch their attention.
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