Alien Alienation poster

Alien Alienation



Hannah and Lyndon have broken their five-year relationship because Hannah accused him of cheating on her with his cousin Ashley. Lyndon gets depressed after their separation, reminiscing on all of the bright moments he and Hannah shared. Lyndon's relatives and friends outside the crew, as well as Joseph and the rest of the crew, do their hardest to cheer him up and help him and Hannah reconcile.


Joseph C.E.M. Ramirez as Joseph / Jeremy / Donny / Basher / Lyndon / Astronaut / Slasher
Joseph C.E.M. Ramirez

as Joseph / Jeremy / Donny / Basher / Lyndon / Astronaut / Slasher

Lindsey E.M. Wright as Lindsey / Hannah / Mandy / Angelique / Tina
Lindsey E.M. Wright

as Lindsey / Hannah / Mandy / Angelique / Tina


I'm going to miss her poster

I'm going to miss her 0.0

November 13, 2021

Hannah believes Lyndon is cheating on her with his cousin, and Hannah and Lyndon have stopped their relationship as a r…

I need some advice poster

I need some advice 0.0

November 14, 2021

Lyndon seeks guidance from Claude and Joseph in order to rekindle his relationship with Hannah.

Crush on Lyndon poster

Crush on Lyndon 0.0

November 15, 2021

Melissa, a young woman, has a crush on Lyndon, but she is too young for him.

Recommended Dates (1) poster

Recommended Dates (1) 0.0

November 16, 2021

Claude, Joseph, and Lindsey are attempting to assist Lyndon in moving on from Hannah and finding a new date that is his…

Recommended Dates (2) poster

Recommended Dates (2) 0.0

November 17, 2021

Claude and Joseph are looking for a date for Lyndon to help him move on from Hannah, but all of the ladies they come ac…

The Perfect One poster

The Perfect One 0.0

November 18, 2021

Lyndon eventually meets a lady he likes after hours and days of hunting for a date to help him overcome his depression.

Boring 17 poster

Boring 17 0.0

November 19, 2021

It's Gabrielle and Abigail's 17th birthday today, but they can't think of anything to do with it, and it's beginning to…

Getting Lyndon Back poster

Getting Lyndon Back 0.0

November 20, 2021

Hannah wants to make amends with Lyndon and rekindle her relationship with him.

Working Shifts poster

Working Shifts 0.0

November 21, 2021

Hannah must complete the rest of A.J.'s job at Green Curry Plotagon, which is straightforward, in order for A.J. to ret…

Hannah's First Day poster

Hannah's First Day 0.0

November 22, 2021

Today is Hannah's first day at Green Curry Plotagon since A.J. assigned her to the position for the rest of the day.

Giving Lyndon Back poster

Giving Lyndon Back 0.0

November 23, 2021

After Hannah completed her one-day work at Green Curry Plotagon flawlessly, A.J. has chosen to return Lyndon to her.