Kamui the Ninja: Stories Other Than the Legend is a shōnen anime produced by Tele-Cartoon Japan in 1969. It was broadcast in Japan from 6 April 1969 to 28 September 1969 by Fuji TV. Kamui the Ninja had 26 episodes with a running time of 22 minutes each one. The series was based on the manga The Legend of Kamui by Sanpei Shirato.
Chikao Ohtsuka
as Kage (voice)
Toshiko Sawada
as お玉
Tetsuo Mizutori
as アギト
Yasuo Yamada
as イケズ
Kazuko Sugiyama
as ウメ
Kôji Nakata
as カムイ
Yoshiko Yamamoto
as ゲンタ
Kiyoshi Komiyama
as コノマ
Reiko Katsura
as ゴマメ
Yoko Kuri
as サヤカ