Kehta Hai Dil Jee Le Zara is an Indian drama television series that air on Sony TV on August 15, 2013. The series stars Sangeeta Ghosh in the main lead and replaced the show, Nayi Umar Nayi Chunauti - Parvarrish Agla Padav. Mini Mathur, Nikhil Advani were amongst the many who congratulated and wished the show all the best.
Sangita Ghosh
as Sanchi Prabhu / Sanchi Dhruv Goyal
Ruslaan Mumtaz
as Dhruv Goyal
Marhu Sheikh
as Neena Yashvardhan Goyal
Rushad Rana
as Anvay Goyal
Amit Behl
as Yashvardhan Goyal