Cruz Manuelos, a rough-around-the-edges but passionate young Marine, is recruited to join the CIA's Lioness Engagement Team to help bring down a terrorist organization from within. Joe, the station chief of the Lioness program, is tasked with training, managing and leading her female undercover operatives.
as Joe McNamara
as Cruz Manuelos
as Neal McNamara
as Bobby
as Tucker
as Two Cups
as Captain Josephina 'Josie' Carillo
as Byron Westfield
as Randy
as Tex
Amazed this has such a high rating. I managed about 20 minutes of this, loaded down as it is, with what I view as cynical propaganda for US military exceptionalism. Suffice to say, I could find little to like. From the US military asserting its right to invade and occupy, other nations, through to the US poor being more or less, forced into military service, as an escape from domestic abuse a…
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Season 2
2024|8 Episodes
In Season 2, as the CIA's fight against terror moves closer to home, Joe, Kaitlyn, and Byron enlist a new Lioness operative to infiltrate a previously unknown threat. With pressure mounting from all sides, Joe is forced to confront the profound personal sacrifices she has made as the leader of the Lioness program.
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