Maetel Legend is a 2000 anime OVA based on characters created by Leiji Matsumoto, about how the planet La Maetelle becomes the planet Andromeda, or "Planet Maetel," the mechanized world. This also serves to link Matsumoto's previous series Queen Millennia and Galaxy Express 999. The series Space Symphony Maetel is a direct sequel to it. Both the OVA and series are supposed to follow Millenia chronologically in the plot, and are prequels to Galaxy Express.
Kohei Kowada
as Jam / Count Mecha
Yosuke Akimoto
as Dagar
Atsuko Enomoto
as Emeraldas
Satsuki Yukino
as Maetel
Keiko Han
as Queen La Andromeda Prometheum
Takashi Matsuyama
as Hardgear