Mégantic is inspired by the events that occurred during the Lac-Mégantic rail tragedy in 2013. This fiction follows the destinies of Méganticois marked by bereavement and trauma, but also by solidarity, courage and heroism.
Julie Ringuette
as Sergente Marie Gendron
Olivier Gervais-Courchesne
as Patrice Laurier-Savard
Lauren Hartley
as Gabrielle Lavigne
Duane Murray
as Tim Richards
Isabelle Giroux
as Liane Blais
Catherine Paquin-Béchard
as Corine Ménard
Karl Farah
as Marco
Julie Trépanier
as Annick Massé
Isabelle Guérard
as Julie Lamarre
Éric Robidoux
as Daniel Lamarre