The story revolves around a young woman named Mei, who was rescued as a young girl by someone calling himself her "butler." With only a vague memory, though, the experience seems like just a dream. But one day, after her parents' accidental death, he appears: Rihito comes from a line of outstanding butlers, and he has been appointed to serve her! Now her ordinary life has completely flipped, as she discovers that she's actually the heiress to a fortune, and is forced to transfer to St. Lucia Girls' Academy, where all the students have butlers! As a result, her childhood friend Kento decides to enroll in a butler school so that he can stay close to her.
as Shinonome Mei
as Shibata Rihito
as Lucia (Hongo Shiori)
as Shinobu
as Yamada Tami
as Kayama Rika
as Shibata Kento
as Kanda
as Daimon
as Sister Rose