Mga Nagbabagang Bulaklak is a television series that began airing in the Philippines by TV5 on March 21, 2011. The show stars Sheryl Cruz, Ruffa Gutierrez, Arci Munoz, Carla Humphries, Valerie Concepcion and the Star Factor Finalist Ritz Azul and is directed by Jon Red. TV5’s second teledrama offering, “Mga Nagbabagang Bulaklak” is a controversial show by Benedict Migue that displays events within and outside of the broadcast industry, particularly on television.
as Rosal Flores
as Camella / Ivy Amor / Irish
as Violet Alindogan
as Orchidia Ortega a.k.a. Ms. O
as Dahlia Flores / Carnation
as Daisy Flores
as Apollo Ortega a.k.a. Mr. A
as Zeus Montemayor a.k.a. Mr. Z
as Pilar Osmundo a.k.a. Ipil Ipil
as Eros