Mini-Wakfu is a series of humorous shorts based on the French television series Wakfu with characters depicted in super deformed (chibi) style. This short series contains many sources of various equipment and secret places from Dofus, Wakfu, and Wakfu: The Guardians
Fanny Bloc
as Yugo
Adeline Chetail
as Amalia Sheran Sharm
Geneviève Doang
as Evangelyne
Thomas Guitard
as Sir Percedal of Sadlygrove
Patrick Béthune
as Ruel Stroud
Gérard Surugue
as Rubilax
Dorothée Pousséo
as Adamaï
Benjamin Pascal
as Nox
Patrick Béthune
as Kabrok
Michel Vigné
as Mandhul