Cadets from every level of Israeli society undergo intense training to join their country's elite, highly classified intelligence service, the Mossad. The series revolves around a secret Mossad compound called 'HaMidrasha', which is surrounded by surveillance cameras and is equipped with technological devices. The compound operates a training course in which 13 trainees are sent to complicated missions in order to test their suitability for the occupation, and their improvisation, seduction and impersonation abilities. Yonna, the commander of the course, criticizes the mediocrity of Mossad's agents and demands from the new trainees a higher level of execution. He decides to create a new training program to test his trainees via unusual and radical situations, in which, apart from excellence, Yonna demands a creative "out of the box" thinking.
as Micha Shuster
as Yona 'Kinder' Harari
as Doris Levi
as Abigail Lerman
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Season 2
2017|12 Episodes
When Yona's hunt for a fugitive former agent leads him into a dangerous web, his three new trainees are suddenly forced to take on very real missions.
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