Ryota Sato gets the surprise of his life when he's suddenly transported into another world and nearly clobbered at the hands of the young, pretty adventurer Emily Brown. This new world revolves around defeating monsters and profiting on whatever they drop—food, money, items, etc. Unfortunately for Ryota, he has no skills to speak of...until he learns he has the ability to get rare drops! Suddenly his luck turns around...or does it?
Kaito Ishikawa
as Ryota Sato (voice)
Rin Kusumi
as Emily Brown (voice)
Marika Kouno
as Eve Callusleader (voice)
Saori Onishi
as Celeste (voice)
Kanon Takao
as Alice Wonderland (voice)
Mai Fuchigami
as Erza Monsoon (voice)