Season 1
Mystery Road Series 1 tells the story of Detective Jay Swan, who has been assigned to investigate the mysterious disappearance of two young farmhands on an outback cattle station, one a local Indigenous football hero and the other a white backpacker. Working together with local police sergeant Emma James, the investigation uncovers drug trafficking in the town, and a past injustice that threatens the fabric of the whole community.
as Jay Swan
as Shevorne Shields
as Emma James
as Mary Swan
as Crystal Swan
as Kerry Thompson
as Ryan Muller
as Keith Groves
as Tony Ballantyne
as Larry Dime
as Marley Thompson
as Cedric Thompson
Gone 7.4
June 3, 2018
Detective Jay Swan clashes with local cop Emma James when he arrives to investigate the mysterious disappearance of two…
Blood Ties 7.0
June 3, 2018
Two unannounced visitors in town cause chaos for Jay and Emma as they try to uncover what happened to the two missing y…
Chasing Ghosts 7.0
June 10, 2018
As time runs out to find the missing boys, pressure mounts on Shevorne to reveal what she knows.
Silence 7.4
June 17, 2018
Marley's safe return has brought relief and elation to the town and his family – but where is Reese? And what is Marley…
The Waterhole 8.0
June 24, 2018
Reese's murder sends Jay on a desperate journey to clear Marley's name before it's too late, which leads Emma to uncove…
The Truth 7.3
July 1, 2018
In a race against time, Jay and Emma have to prove who really murdered Reese... or Marley will be gaoled for the crime.