Season 6 poster

Season 6



For Better, For Worse poster

For Better, For Worse 0.0

June 1, 1972

The problems of Pledge's Purer Pickles must take second place; for each of it's co-owners is hearing wedding bells. But…

A Place In The Sun poster

A Place In The Sun 0.0

June 8, 1972

Fourteen days holiday in sunny Spain for 10p all in! It sounds too good to be true. And it is…

The Female Of The Species poster

The Female Of The Species 0.0

June 15, 1972

A tiff in a launderette, under Nellie's gentle touch, bids fair to becoming a national crisis.

Worker's Playtime poster

Worker's Playtime 0.0

June 29, 1972

The Pledge's consult an industrial efficiency expert in a bid to improve production at the pickle factory. When the wor…

The Right Spirit poster

The Right Spirit 0.0

July 6, 1972

When Nellie chases Eli out of the ancestral home, Lily and Walter come to stay…And stay…

A Question Of Taste poster

A Question Of Taste 0.0

July 13, 1972

Can dandelion leaves picked at the time of the full moon really win for Pledge's Purer Pickles the coveted Golden Gherk…

A Pair Of Bloomers poster

A Pair Of Bloomers 0.0

July 20, 1972

The long arm of the law reaches out for Eli from the distant past; but, with Nellie in court, all is set for the Law to…

All Star Comedy Carnival poster

All Star Comedy Carnival 0.0

December 25, 1972

Nellie, Eli, Lilly and Walter play a game of Snakes and Ladders and reminisce about a childhood Christmas.