Season 1 poster

Season 1



Episode 1 poster

Episode 1 0.0

June 8, 1992

WAI s always very superstitious. He gets to know from a Chinese almanac that it is a black day, he does really meet mis…

Episode 2 poster

Episode 2 0.0

June 9, 1992

WAI's girlfriend gets WAI into trouble. His domicile has even been blocked up. Fortunately, FAN lets him stay in his ho…

Episode 3 poster

Episode 3 0.0

June 10, 1992

KIT's attitude is very sincere. WAI and FAN are greatly affected with his sincerity. The three eventually become good f…

Episode 4 poster

Episode 4 0.0

June 11, 1992

KEUNG losses seriously and sends a killer to kill FUNG. FUNG is shrewd enough to escape, He could even control the crim…

Episode 5 poster

Episode 5 0.0

June 12, 1992

SIU KIU comes back to Hong‧ Kong from overseas. She cooperates with KEUNG to play trick 'on KIT. KIT follows KIU arduou…

Episode 6 poster

Episode 6 0.0

June 15, 1992

KIT eavesdrops that KEUNG is in league with Lobster in some illegal affairs. KIT also confirms that it is FUNG who has …

Episode 7 poster

Episode 7 0.0

June 16, 1992

WAI and NGAN leaves the restaurant unhappily. However, they have to return home by the same taxi. WAI then has to see N…

Episode 8 poster

Episode 8 0.0

June 17, 1992

KIU aims at setting up a publishing house. With CHI's help, NGAN agrees to join her publishing house. She is then fille…

Episode 9 poster

Episode 9 0.0

June 18, 1992

NGAN and WAI meet with each other frequently in the publishing house. NGAN takes the opportunity to insult WAI's illite…

Episode 10 poster

Episode 10 0.0

June 19, 1992

WAI knows that NGAN has fallen in love with him and is very excited. He boasts of his attractiveness. FAN is dissatisfi…

Episode 11 poster

Episode 11 0.0

June 22, 1992

LA is advised by MAN to marry a man within a year. She is very anxious about this and searches everywhere for an ideal …

Episode 12 poster

Episode 12 0.0

June 23, 1992

NGAN holds a party in her villa so as to communicate with the colleagues in the publishing house. In order to create a …

Episode 13 poster

Episode 13 0.0

June 24, 1992

WAI and FAN know KEUNG's real intention. Therefore, they delib?erately play tricks to annoy LOBSTER. LOBSTER feels very…

Episode 14 poster

Episode 14 0.0

June 25, 1992

WAI and FAN have no way and decide to follow KEUNG so as to have some clue. However, KEUNG always notices them. KIU kn…

Episode 15 poster

Episode 15 0.0

June 26, 1992

WAI suffers a great blow in love. However, he dare not tell his family. He could only drown care in wine. LA sympathize…

Episode 16 poster

Episode 16 0.0

June 29, 1992

KEUNG cannot afford to pay the compensation. He is being threatened by the overseas association. He frightens all the t…

Episode 17 poster

Episode 17 0.0

June 30, 1992

KEUNG and LOBSTER have no other way out. They aim to kidnap KIU and blackmail CHI. However, they have kidnapped LA in c…

Episode 18 poster

Episode 18 0.0

July 1, 1992

LA strikes back and suppresses LOBSTER. She takes this opportu?nity to escape, Meanwhile, she meets AHSZEMA who has use…

Episode 19 poster

Episode 19 0.0

July 2, 1992

KEUNG and LOBSTER are forced by AHSZEMA to kidnap KIU again. When they are trying to get KIU, KIT is in the hospital. K…

Episode 20 poster

Episode 20 0.0

July 3, 1992

KEUNG and LOBSTER devise to cheat CHI for his money. They then bring the money along and escape. FAN and WAI finds out …